About Integral Energetics

Integral Energetics is a body-based therapy grounded in contemporary neurobiology and neuroscience while also drawing on the wisdom of ancient healing traditions.

  • IE embraces a scope of care beyond that of conventional health care.

  • IE acknowledges the connection between mind, body and spirit.

  • IE honours the sovereignty and unique needs of each individual.

  • IE is a trauma informed practice.

How it works

When we’re under excessive stress our nervous system develops coping strategies to deal with the overload.

While these strategies may help us to ‘get through’ a period of time, they often become maladaptive habits ingrained in our system, leading to a build-up of physical, emotional and mental tension - another word for this is trauma.

This accumulation of tension significantly reduces our body’s ability to heal itself and process the experiences in our lives, leaving us with an unpleasant feeling of being ‘knotted up’. Over time, this build-up of tension can lead to more serious forms of dis-ease and illness.

By entraining the nervous system out of the ‘fight or flight’ response and into the ‘rest and repair’ state, Integral Energetics can help you to relinquish these stress patterns and process the undigested experiences which underlie them. 

Given this opportunity your system will naturally tend towards healing, growth and evolution - this is called innate intelligence.

What to expect

During your initial consult we will spend 60 minutes getting to know each other and discussing your unique reasons for coming.

Common reasons include:

  • Stress

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • postural issues

  • back pain

  • Physical tension

  • sleep issues

  • chronic illnesses

  • low energy

  • spiritual wellbeing

From there we will move into an Integral Energetics session known as an ‘entrainment’.
During an Integral Energetics entrainment you will lie face down on a massage table fully clothed. You will experience a series of light and specific contacts made along your spine - particularly on the sacrum and cervical spine. 

These contacts will elicit a response from your parasympathetic nervous system. You may notice some novel sensations or emotions arise in your body, just relax and allow them to be as they are. You do not need to DO anything during an entrainment, just remain present to your own experience.

While sessions offer immediate relief from stress, tension and pain, the ultimate aim is to fundamentally transform the way you manage stress in your life. Over time, sessions will lead to an expanded ‘window of tolerance’ in your nervous system, helping you to remain calm and centered regardless of the external challenges in your life.


Integral Energetics has a wide range of health and developmental benefits, ranging from relief from physical pain and tension, to emotional and mental well-being, to a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life.

Some common benefits include:

  • Relief from physical pain and tension

  • Improved posture

  • Relief from chronic illness

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Deep and restorative sleep

  • Emotional and mental wellbeing

  • Enhanced ability to adapt to change

  • Inner coherence and trust in self

  • Increased vitality and energy

  • Transpersonal awareness

  • Deeper sense of meaning and purpose

Curious to learn more

Please reach out